AR-Agency · Agency for AR Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) starts with the real world, but enhances it with digital content. What makes AR so special? Most audiovisual experiences we know take place in either the physical or digital world. Augmented reality combines both worlds. Digital components are layered over physical components, creating a mirage effect.

Using augmented reality, industrial companies can project digital visual elements such as imagesvideos, 3D models, and animations into the user’s field of vision. You can also involve other senses; it is possible to deliver sound and even haptic buzzing or other sensory stimuli via technology.

The biggest advantage of augmented reality (AR) is that with it, you create unique digital experiences that combine the best of the digital and physical worlds. Plus, there’s no need for special hardware or software to enjoy the experience. Conventional smartphones, mobile apps, and tablets are enough to experience augmented reality. It also works via web browsers.

Provide Marketing-Relevant Information Interactively

Better Employee Training Directly on the Shop Floor, in the Warehouse, Logistics Center, or Laboratory

Our AR Services as a AR Agency

Do it

As an industrial company, you should get started with AR now by integrating it into your marketing. It’s far less complex than you think.

Augmented reality is like real life, only better. One final note: conversion rates among users are 90% higher than those without AR, according to one study. Unlock the potential of AR for your brand. Contact us to get started discussing your needs.

Let’s create better customer experiences!