Agency for CGI images

Creating images using CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) is one of the most effective ways to cost-effectively create attractive product images for marketing and sales. Computer generated imagery directly contributes to improving your brand credibility by providing the best visual experience for your customers.

A picture says more than a thousand words.

CGI opens up new possibilities.

Everything is developed or created on the computer. This reduces production costs. No more photo shoots, props, styling, lighting or traveling on location. There is also no need for physical transportation of products, which is not only difficult but also costly in times of tight supply chains.

By using CGI, you can set any background, any scene, any lighting and any mood you want in a scene. In the real world, in traditional photography, providing these options would require a lot of effort. With CGI, it only takes a few clicks and adjustments.

Image production becomes faster. You no longer have to cancel or postpone a shoot due to bad weather, traffic or factory delays. Instead, you can control it all from your desk.

Continuous coordination means you’re always in the loop and can check progress without leaving your office. This saves time and is convenient.

Images created with CGI ensure greater customer loyalty and a more intensive customer experience.

There is another time-saving advantage of CGI images and 3D visualizations. Most products are characterized by many different features such as color, texture, design or shape, each offering a variety of options. It is easy to digitally render each individual product variant instead of waiting for each product to be physically built.

Images created with CGI ensure higher customer engagement and a more immersive customer experience. Why? You don’t just inform, you excite and inspire. Using stunning product images and interacting with them is a fantastic way to showcase your company’s offering.

CGI images give your customers the opportunity to engage and interact with your product. For example, you can give potential customers the opportunity to change, customize and interact with a variety of products. Make sure that potential buyers can really experience your product. Leave a lasting impression. Convey confidence that sells, reassures customers and creates loyal customers.

CGI supports your sales department – before the first prototype is produced.

Now we come to the most important part of the whole thing! In almost all industries, it is essential to have digital renderings before the production phase, often even before the first prototype is ready. Having digitally rendered, photorealistic looking products at your disposal allows you to start selling even earlier and test the market in advance. It’s also a great way to get pre-orders for your products and machines before they’re even produced. As an agency for CGI images, we are your partner.

Let’s create better customer experiences!