Interactive 3D applications

What are interactive 3D applications?

We define interactive 3D as applications in which a user can interact directly with individual 3D objects or move around 3D worlds. This means that the user can move, manipulate or change objects. With interactive 3D applications, we are now pushing the boundaries of reality by being able to present objects, rooms and people in an almost photorealistic way. Prospects, customers, users, applicants, employees, etc. understand products, technologies and complex issues much better.

The abstract becomes concrete.

Technical drawings, texts and images are static, separated from the reader and viewer. Even videos show the user only a linear sequence of images and information from the point of view of the narrator. But people learn and understand best by touching, experiencing and interacting. This creates connection, emotion, trust and excitement. Users immerse themselves in products, machines, systems and processes. Interactive 3D applications make the abstract concrete and the complex simple. Prospects, applicants and investors understand better and trust more.

Whether in sales or after sales, in marketing or recruiting, interactive 3D applications enrich the presentation of products and services. They are cost-effective, differentiating and versatile.

Interactive 3D – Real-time 3D – XR AR VR Web3D – Spatial Computing

Agency for
AR Augmented Reality

Agency for
VR Virtual Reality

Agency for
3D Showroom

Agency for
3D Web applications

Present and sell in a modern way with interactive 3D!

Let’s meet to discuss if and how interactive 3D applications can add value to your business!

Move the robot!



Interactive 3D application

The INVIZCOM robot is a exemplary interactive 3D web application.Interactive 3D enables industrial and technology companies to visualize complex process steps and and elaborate products in a tangible way.

Take a look at the Process steps of our robot. Use the free mode and move it using the arrows.

Which of your companys processes / products benefit from interactive 3D? For more Information contact us!


Entire process
Roboter Move freely
Move the robot using the arrows.

What possibilities do I have with interactive 3D applications in my area?

Interactive 3D applications add value to industrial and B2B companies at trade shows and other events. They attract the attention and curiosity of visitors, provide an exceptional interactive 3D experience, and create an impressive presentation of your products and their functionalities and processes. Interactive 3D applications increase interest in your products and company among attendees at tradeshows and events, build brand awareness, and allow you to effectively engage potential customers. This improves your lead generation and leads to more business opportunities.

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Interactive 3D applications help make products and processes more vivid and informative. They improve knowledge transfer and engage customers more directly. Your sales team has all products and solutions at their fingertips, no matter how large the machines and systems. Even those that do not yet physically exist are within reach.

Interactive 3D applications make it easier to involve customers in the development process and, in some cases, to visualize wishes and possibilities more quickly. In particular, interactive 3D configurators make it easier to visualize customer needs. Concepts become tangible faster. This builds trust.

In addition, interactive 3D applications in marketing increase attention, information efficiency, interaction and interest. They are an almost inexhaustible source of images, videos and animations because virtual reality is always available and this content can be used in many different ways.

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Simplify and speed up your service with interactive 3D applications.

Train your customers’ employees

  • Be trained quickly and efficiently
  • Interactively guide them through maintenance processes.
  • With remote solutions, your service and technical experts can walk you through complex installation or repair processes anywhere in the world. Step-by-step, without misunderstandings, for maximum safety.

In after-sales, Interactive 3D and configurators can help demonstrate new technology solutions and explain customer benefits. Interactive 3D can also be used as a cross-selling and up-selling tool.

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Interactive 3D applications allow you to present your company in a highly innovative and future-oriented way. Information is presented in an exciting way. This has a positive effect on applicants, arousing their curiosity and making your company attractive to professionals.

Interactive 3D applications are also a helpful tool for onboarding new employees. With edutainment and playful knowledge building about products, technologies and solutions, understanding is enhanced – even for people who tend to work in administrative areas.

You can also use interactive 3D to increase the technical understanding of your entire workforce, across all locations. Greater knowledge and understanding builds enthusiasm.

In addition, interactive 3D applications can be used to map entire work processes. The team can be trained more easily on existing and new products and solutions. Interactive learning motivates and reassures. User tests provide confidence in the level of knowledge. Errors are reduced and quality is improved.

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The use of interactive 3D applications in business development offers you increased potential to improve customer interactions, shape the customer experience in the long term, strengthen customer loyalty and generate new business opportunities. With the help of immersive presentations, the interest of potential customers can be aroused and the sales process accelerated. In addition, interactive 3D applications enable data-based analysis of customer behavior. In this data-based way, Interactive 3D can help you optimize product development and marketing strategies.

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How do interactive 3D applications work?

There are two technologies on which interactive 3D applications can be based: They are either game engine based or web based.

Photorealism and maximum immersion with unlimited interaction and the ability to display highly complex processes.

Interactive 3D applications based on game engines enable photorealistic graphics with unlimited interaction possibilities. They provide a maximum immersive experience for the user. Thanks to the high performance of game engines, even the photorealistic representation of highly complex processes is no problem. Game engines allow a high degree of flexibility in development and can be easily modified or extended to meet all requirements.

Best integration and platform independence, but with limitations on complexity and graphics.

Interactive 3D web applications offer a high degree of accessibility and integrability. Because they are displayed in web browsers, interactive 3D web applications are platform-independent and can be easily integrated into existing websites, storefronts, etc. However, interactive 3D web applications are limited in scope and complexity. This is because they depend on the performance of the web browser and the local Internet speed and connection of the accessing device. Graphically, 3D web applications can be very good, but not completely photorealistic.

How do interactive 3D applications work?

There are two technologies on which interactive 3D applications can be based: They are either game engine based or web based.

Photorealism and maximum immersion with unlimited interaction and the ability to display highly complex processes.

Interactive 3D applications based on game engines enable photorealistic graphics with unlimited interaction possibilities. They provide a maximum immersive experience for the user. Thanks to the high performance of game engines, even the photorealistic representation of highly complex processes is no problem. Game engines allow a high degree of flexibility in development and can be easily modified or extended to meet all requirements.

Best integration and platform independence, but with limitations on complexity and graphics.

Interactive 3D web applications offer a high degree of accessibility and integrability. Because they are displayed in web browsers, interactive 3D web applications are platform-independent and can be easily integrated into existing websites, storefronts, etc. However, interactive 3D web applications are limited in scope and complexity. This is because they depend on the performance of the web browser and the local Internet speed and connection of the accessing device. Graphically, 3D web applications can be very good, but not completely photorealistic.

How can you interact with interactive 3D applications?

AR – Augmented Reality

As the name suggests, AR extends reality with virtual content. By quickly interacting with 3D objects beyond the limits of what is actually possible, the user can build understanding much more quickly and easily. On the other hand, AR can be used to enhance the real with the virtual. Information in a brochure or an offer can be easily explained visually.

VR – Augmented Reality

The use of virtual reality headsets to interact with 3D applications allows for a fully immersive experience. This allows a customer to get a real understanding and feel for products. What we perceive via VR headset feels like reality.

Desktop applications

Desktop access to interactive 3D applications is the most basic way to experience interactive 3D applications. Since virtually everyone today owns or has access to a computer, this is the most scalable option. Desktop applications are especially important for giving customers access to interactive 3D applications without the need for a salesperson to be present. They create a feeling and a deep understanding of the products without the help of sales. Interactive 3D applications make it easier for the salesperson to take the next step.

Mobile applications

Interactive 3D applications on mobile devices are very important for fast sharing. Smartphones and tablets are everywhere. With mobile applications, you have your entire product portfolio in your pocket, so you can quickly and easily show products in any situation and explain complex issues in an understandable way.

Let‘s leverage the possibilities of interactive 3D applications!